AJ ki petrol price April 2023

          Pakistan is set to revise petroleum prices for the alternate half of April 2023 on Saturday April 15, 2023, and experts believe that domestic prices may increase. The increase may be blazoned due to the decline in the value of the Pakistani rupee against the US bone
and an increase in transnational oil painting prices over the once many weeks. The rupee has fallen sprucely against the bone
 since the morning of April 2023, primarily due to query about inrushes from the International Monetary Fund ( IMF) and other friendly countries. On the other hand, the transnational prices of standard Brent crude oil painting have also increased lately due to product cuts by the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries ( OPEC). 
As Pakistan is a net importer of petroleum products to meet its domestic demand, any modification in exchange rates and an supplement in transnational oil painting prices can affect domestic prices. 
Despite a decline in Pakistan’s petroleum import bill, which fell to $11.88 billion during the first eight months( July- February) of financial time 2022/2023, down 8.28 compared to the matching months of the former financial time, the significant deprecation of the Pakistani rupee by 23 redounded in an import bill increase in rupee terms. During the first eight months of the current financial time, the petroleum bill increased to PKR2.72 trillion compared to PKR2.21 trillion in the same months of the former financial time.
               The import of petroleum products also registered a decline of 14.47 to $5.35 billion during July- February 2022- 2023 when compared with $6.26 billion in the same period of the last financial time, while import of petroleum crude increased by 10.32 to $3.48 billion during the same period. Pakistan revises petroleum prices every 15 days grounded on changes in transnational oil painting prices and other domestic factors, including exchange rates.
On March 31, 2023, the prices of petrol and high- speed diesel ( HSD) remained unchanged at Rs. 272 per liter and Rs. 293 per liter, independently, for the coming fortnight starting from April 1, 2023. still, the prices of kerosene oil painting and light diesel oil painting have been reduced by Rs.10 each toRs.180.29 and Rs.174.68, independently.
پاکستان اپریل 2023 کی دوسری ششماہی کے لیے" پیٹرولیم کی قیمتوں پر نظر ثانی کرے گا"


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