Top 09 Artificial Intelligence Tools and Frameworks
What are the best frameworks and tools for artificial intelligence?
To solve this dilemma, we have now listed one of the best tools and frameworks for artificial intelligence.
1. Theano
Theano is a Python library that works best with complex mathematical expressions.
It enables us to define and evaluate mathematical expressions consisting of multidimensional arrays.
Theano just folds on keras which runs in parallel with Theano library.
2. H2O:
Open Source AI Platform H2O is an open-source ML software tool written in the Python, R, and Java programming languages.
Mainly used by Ai developers and researchers for predictive data analysis.
H2O supports data-driven decision making and is also used to analyze cloud datasets in the Apache Hadoop file system.
3. Google ML Toolkit
Google ML Kit allows developers to build mobile apps for Android and iOS platforms.
In fact, this is Google's ML SDK, which is designed for mobile application development and is used to build highly customized functions.
4. OpenNN
OpenNN (Open Neural Network Library) is written in C++ and is intended for deep learning and advanced ML research.
It is an open source library with extensive documentation and unit testing capabilities.
OpenNN provides high processing speed and optimal memory management.
5. Google ML
Toolkit Google ML Kit allows inventors to make mobile apps for Android and iOS platforms. In fact, this is Google's ML SDK, which is designed for mobile operation development and is used to make largely customized functions.
7. Coffee
It was created by the Berkeley Vision and Learning Center( BVLC) and community benefactors. It's a general- purpose ML frame and is thus considered the first choice for computer vision tasks.
It has a state- of- the- art, suggestive armature that encourages invention and speed.
8. Py-Torch
PyTorch is designed to speed up the process from exploration prototyping to product deployment. It's an open- source ML frame created by Facebook.
PyTorch has colorful features similar as distributed training, Torch-Script, python-First.
9. Keras
Keras is one of the further popular Python- grounded library fabrics and is considered the stylish tool for working problems similar as network configuration, image recognition, and choosing the stylish armature for a particular situation.
It can run on top of other fabrics like TensorFlow or Theano. Has unique features that enable it to be converted to other fabric.
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